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DocsUsageFirst Steps

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Now that you have created your TNT-Powered project, you can start building your application. Here are some resources to help you get started:


MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite

If you have chosen to use a database with your project, you need to populate the DATABASE_URL environment variable in your .env file.

# The connection string should look something like this: DATABASE_URL="mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/database"

You can choose to run your database locally, using a service like Docker, or use a cloud service like Neon. Alternatively, you can use SQLite for local development. SQLite is the default database for TNT-Powered projects, and no additional setup is required to get started.


We recommend using Prisma to interact with your database. Prisma is a modern database toolkit that makes it easy to interact with your database using TypeScript. If you chose to include Prisma ensure you run the following commands to push your schema to your database and generate your Prisma client.

npm db:push npm postinstall



Drizzle is not yet available in TNT-Powered projects.

Drizzle will be available in the future to help you manage your database schema and migrations. Drizzle cannot be used at the same time as Prisma, so you will need to choose one or the other.



When using NextAuth.js, we have included the DiscordProvider by default. It is one of the simplest ways to add authentication to your application. However, you it still needs some initial setup.

If you wish to use another provider, you can find a list of all the NextAuth.js providers here.

  1. Of course, you need a Discord account, so register one if you don’t already have one.
  2. Navigate to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new application, by clicking on the “New Application” button.
  3. Give your application a name and click Create.
  4. Head to the OAuth2 section and copy the Client ID to your .env file.
  5. Next click Reset Secret, then copy the Client Secret to your .env file.
  6. Next, click Add Redirect and type the URL of you application followed by /api/auth/callback/discord.
    • In development, this will be http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/discord.
    • In production, this will be
  7. Finally, save you changes.

Now you should be able to sign in with Discord.


We recommend using the following extensions for an optimal development experience.

Start Building

  • Take a look around the project structure and familiarize yourself with the codebase.
  • Read the docs to learn more details about the project and how to use it.
  • Start building your application!
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