Supercharge your Next.js projects


Launch your TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS projects with a bang. Complete with Payload CMS integration, ready to explode into production.

npx create-tnt-stack

Explosive Features

Everything you need to detonate your development workflow

TNT Stack Integration

Seamlessly integrates TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS in optimized starter templates.

Payload CMS Ready

Pre-configured templates with Payload CMS integration for powerful content management.

Customizable Templates

Choose from various templates or customize them to fit your specific project needs.

Developer Experience

Optimized for the best developer experience with sensible defaults and best practices.

Performance Optimized

Templates are built with performance in mind, ensuring fast load times and smooth user experiences.

Open Source

Fully open-sourced under MIT/GNU license. Contributions are welcome!

Simple to Use

Get started with just a few commands

Create a new project
npx create-tnt-stack my-app
Start the development server
cd my-app && npm run dev
Using a specific template
create-tnt-stack my-app --template tnt-basic

Available Templates

  • tnt-basic - Basic TNT stack setup
  • tnt-payload - TNT with Payload CMS
  • tnt-auth - TNT with authentication
  • tnt-full - Complete TNT stack with all features

Ready to Ignite Your Development?

Start building with the TNT stack today and experience the power of TypeScript, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS combined with today's most popular tools.